6th Metallisation Workshop
The 6th Workshop on Metallization and Interconnection for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, 2016 was successfully held in Konstanz on May 2-3, 2016. Around 145 industry and academic experts, from 21 different countries around the world, attended the program of 31 selected presentations. Topics ranged from understanding contact formation of thick film contacts to advanced printing, plated contacts, and cell interconnection and durability. Several presentations reflected the growing importance in industry to optimize metallization and interconnection simultaneously in order to reach best performance at lowest cost.
As in past editions, lots of room was given to questions and discussions. Panel discussions, held after each sessions, led to great debates between presenters, chairmen, and the expert audience. The poster-dedicated session, including the market place discussion, has again enhanced the open discussion platform of the workshop.
For the first time, the workshop implemented videoconferencing with several participants from all over the world following presentations live and asking questions via a moderated chat.
The organizers wish to thank again the Sponsors for their contributions and for making this workshop possible.